The Partial Rapture
The Left Behind

Artwork: Based on Acts 2:20 | Chayanan Phumsukwisit

Israel was not prepared for the first appearance of the Messiah. Yet Israel had esteemed religious leaders, the Pharisees, Sadducees, and an awesome Temple. Likely they felt they were ready to welcome the Messiah.

Today members of the church sound like they are ready for the next appearance of Christ, when He comes to rapture the church. But it would be prudent to consider that we could also be making a tragic mistake.

Jesus warned us to Keep Watch! This warning was given using parables. One such story concluded that if the owner of the house had known when the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and not been robbed.

Jesus said that if we are not ready when the rapture occurs, there will be consequences. We will feel robbed as if struck by a thief who comes in the night. 

• The last time Christ appeared – His people were not prepared, and Christ suffered.
• When Christ comes to rapture the church – many of His people will not be prepared.
• But this time – it will be the unprepared believer who will suffer.
• Christ will be coming with power and great glory.

Jesus warned us to keep watch – you need to understand why!

Bible Prophecy

Chapter 1 Salvation

Chapter 2


Chapter 3

The Rapture

Chapter 4

Seven Churches

Chapter 5

The Scroll

Chapter 6

Seven Seals

Chapter 7

Seven Trumpets

Chapter 8

The Last Trumpet

Chapter 9


Chapter 10

Two Beasts

Chapter 11

Seven Bowls

Chapter 14

Future Ages

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